Author: Rebin B. Khoshnaw
College of Science, Salahaddin University-Erbil
Computer Sciences Department, Cihan University-Erbil
The concern of information security and data protection is growing and getting more critical day by day within organizations and companies. This has led developers and researchers to find advanced ways of defense against attacks on networks. One of these ways is using Honeypots. Honeypot is an information security resource used to protect network resources in the way of diverting attackers from their real targets. At the same time, it is used as a tool intended to be attacked and compromised to collect information about attacks that organizations might face and use the collected data to develop methods for protection against these attacks. Honeypots generally come in many forms and shapes, and they are classified according to the level of interaction with attackers. Low interaction Honeypots are easy to maintain and deploy with few risks. High interaction Honeypots are more advanced in terms of maintenance and deployment and more risky but they will gather more extensive and accurate information than low interactive Honeypots. The aim of this paper is to provide a review on Honeypots. It also analyses Honeypots under three (3) main categories: Implementation, effectiveness and limitation in the security field.
Keywords: Honeypot, Security, low interaction, high interaction, implementation, performance and limitations
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